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Mindful Writing Sessions
on Zoom - You Receive the Replays & PDF Guides
Thursdays in June

from 6:30 - 7:30PM EST
Pay What You Can
Drop into any sesh! Open to ALL! No experience needed.

Love Offerings Gratefully Accepted Via
Venmo, Paypal, CashApp, or Credit Card  (info below)


This 4-Week Writing Series is designed to help you:

  •  Unlock your creative energy

  •  Uncover deeper meaning from your own experiences

  •  Craft these stories into gems that can be shared with others or simply kept for your own personal joy


Week 1: Roots, Home, & Belonging


Week 2: Initiations & Rites of Passage


Week 3: Unconscious Waters


Week 4: Coming Home, Thresholds, Wisdom


We'll use Joseph Campbell's mythic journey as our archetypal template, with some fun and fascinating twists, combined with mindfulness meditations, journaling exercises, and creative writing craft. :)


No experience necessary! If you're a human you qualify (though dogs are also more than welcome to join).

On-Demand Replays of the Course

Will Be Available in Early 2024!

Week 1: 

Roots, Home, & Belonging

AKA we all come from somewhere, and this

usually influences us more than we'd like to admit. :) 

Persephone is captured by Hades and descends into the Underworld:
Before that earth-shattering moment, though, she’s sublimely smelling flowers with her mother Demeter nearby.

Screen Shot 2023-06-05 at 3.40.11 PM.png

Luke Skywalker grew up as a humble farm boy before being thrust into a saga where he learns to use The Force. 


In The Alchemist, Santiago the shepherd boy sells his sheep and leaves what he knows to travel to Egypt in pursuit of a dream he can't quite fully explain.

The word home may contain a multitude of meanings for us.

Home is usually a complex mix of nostalgia, heartache, love, and loss.

In the first week of the Summer Mindful Writing Series (which kicks off next Thursday) we’ll explore the art of writing setting, the power of place, and how to consider your mythic journey as a portal for healing.

Sign up for Week 3 via the button below, OR choose any amount via:

Venmo to @melissa-carroll-yoga (last 4 digits 0171 in case they ask for it)



Paypal to


 CashApp @meljcarroll 

Feel Free to Pay for Just 1 Workshop 
or Save Your Spot for All 4!

This is offered at a Sliding Scale:

Suggested $10 - $25 per sesh, or $40 - $100 for the whole program

Includes live Zoom workshops with yours truly, PDF guides with writing prompts, and lifetime access to the replays.

This Writing Course Is for You If:

  • You want to express yourself creatively but it feels overwhelming & you don't know where to start.

  • You feel called to make time + space to nurture your creative energy + you know that accountability + inspiration will help you stay on track.

  • You're interested in creative writing + using language to share your life experiences, for either personal pleasure or to share with others.


Week 2: 

The Spark & The Initiation

What event(s) in your life changed you, woke you up, catalyzed you into a whole new way of being?

Sometimes these moments are big: a divorce, an illness, a trip.


Sometimes these moments are small: a chance meeting or a book you stumble on in the library.

In this session we’ll explore these moments for you as a way of writing and uncovering this first phase of your mythic journey.


You’ll learn the art of scene-making and world-building, creative writing craft techniques to bring this moment to life and give you greater insight into your own experience.

After the initial catalyst, there’s a period of time in which you go through an initiation, like the training sequence in every action movie (think Karate Kid, Star Wars, Rocky, etc).

You may have nonchalantly walked into a yoga class at the gym one day, only to recognize there may be more for you in this practice.


Now comes the initiation.


Maybe you signed up for a 200hr training, even though your family didn’t understand your new obsession with yoga.

Sign up for Week 3 via the button below, OR choose any amount via:

Venmo to @melissa-carroll-yoga (last 4 digits 0171 in case they ask for it)



Paypal to


 CashApp @meljcarroll 

Feel Free to Pay for Just the First Workshop on 6/8

or Save Your Spot for All 4!

This is offered at a Sliding Scale:

Suggested $10 - $25 per sesh, or $40 - $100 for the whole program

Includes live Zoom workshops with yours truly, PDF guides with writing prompts, and lifetime access to the replays.

Week 3: 

Unconscious Waters / Meeting with the Goddess


Joseph Campbell studies myths and folktales throughout history, and discovered universal themes, images, and narratives across the globe and across time. (It's FASCINATING! His work with mythology is the basis for our explorations in this course.)

One universal theme he uncovered?

When the main character is at a crisis moment -- the moment of profound transformation -- often involves water.


Crossing a river.

Getting submerged underwater.

Dunking one's head beneath the bathtub.

Water is said to symbolize the unconscious mind.

This week we dive into these pivotal moments on your path (whether they involve literal or figurative water).

This is also the stage where you met teachers, mentors, and allies on your journey (this process is sometimes known as ‘Meeting with the Goddess’).

Or pay any amount via one of the aforementioned platforms (Venmo, CashApp or Paypal gratefully accepted!)

Join The Holy Shift 8 Week Course with ALL the Bonuses and PDF Swipe Templates!
(price will increase next time this course is offered)

Live Zoom Masterclasses Begin March 24th, 2022

Writing by the Water
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Fuel Your Creative Life
About Melissa

Writing has always been my first love.

Finding inner peace has always been my deepest wish.


Since 2007 I've dedicated my life to the study of yoga philosophy, Reiki, and the power of stories.

Through mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and writing, I fuse these practices to help others connect to their own creative spark and the peace that exists within.

I hold an MFA, am a former college instructor of creative writing, and am the editor of the essay collection Going OM:

Real-Life Stories on and off the Yoga Mat (Viva Editions 2014), featuring a foreword by Cheryl Strayed, and the author of two poetry chapbooks.


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